ACAP Latest News

Read about recent developments and findings in procellariiform science and conservation relevant to the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels in ACAP Latest News.

International wildlife artists support the Mouse-Free Marion Project with a special project and an auction

Jayashree Sadasivan Sooty Albatross digital Stefan SchoombieSooty Albatross by ABUN artist Jayashree Sadasivan for the “Conservation Campaign for Marion Island”.  Digital, after a photograph by Stefan Schoombie

The Mouse-Free Marion (MFM) Project is a registered non-profit company in South Africa, established to eradicate the invasive albatross- and petrel-killing House Mice on Marion Island in the Southern Ocean.  The project was initiated by BirdLife South Africa and the South African Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment.  Upon successful completion, the project will restore the critical breeding habitat of over two million seabirds, many globally threatened, and improve the island’s resilience to a warming climate.

To increase awareness, and to raise funds, the project team has been working with artists from around the world in two important ways.

The “Conservation Campaign for Marion Island” Special Project

ABUN Special Project banner 

For the three months of November 2024 to January 2025 the MFM Project has been collaborating with the collective Artists & Biologists Unite for Nature (ABUN) in a special project entitled “Conservation Campaign for Marion Island”.  ABUN artists are invited to create and submit artworks that the MFM project may use.  Their chosen subjects are inspired by photograph’s of Marion Island’s biota, notably its avifauna that is threatened by the mice  To date, 30 artworks have been submitted; they can all be viewed here.  The artists’ original art remains their own property.

Andrea Siemt Grey Petrel Gouache on black ACTION watercolor paper after Ben Dilley 2
Grey Petrel and chick by ABUN artist Andrea Siemt
for the “Conservation Campaign for Marion Island”.  Gouache on black watercolour paper, after a photograph by Ben Dilley

Auction aboard the Flock to Marion AGAIN! 2025 voyage

Hannah Shand Subantarctic Soaring
“Subantarctic Soaring” by Hannah Shand; a print will be auctioned

On 24 January 2025, the MSC Musica will set sail from Durban, South Africa towards sub-Antarctic Marion and Prince Edward Islands in the southern Indian Ocean on a week-long cruise with 1850 excited birdwatchers aboard.  On the last night of the voyage the Mouse-Free Marion Project will hold a live auction, with well-known author of seabird guides and project patron, Peter Harrison MBE as the auctioneer.  The project has received a number of donated artworks, both originals and high-quality prints to auction.  These include artworks by ACAp-illustrator Namo Niumim, who lives in Bangkok, Thailand, Caren Loebel-Fried from Volcano, Hawaii, New Zealanders Angela Newport and Hannah Shand, and Kitty Harvill (ABUN Co-founder) and Holly Parsons who reside in the USA.  South African contributing artists include Elizabeth Poulsom and Leigh Wolfaardt.

“The Albatrosses of the Prince Edward Islands"  by Leigh Wolfaardt; the original will be auctioned on the Flock voyage

John Cooper, Emeritus Information Officer, Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels, 16 January 2025

“Finding Home, a Hawaiian Petrel’s Journey” by Caren Loebel-Fried

Caren Loebel Fried Finding Home 1
Finding Home, a Hawaiian Petrel’s Journey

Caren Loebel-Fried is an author and artist who resides in Volcano, Hawaii.  She has written and illustrated eight award-winning storybooks for young people, including A Perfect Day for an Albatross, published in 2017 by the Cornell Lab Publishing Group, and reviewed in ACAP Latest News.  Caren’s has conducted fieldwork on Midway Atoll with the albatross census team, which she has co-led, and studied the Endangered Hawaiian Petrel or `ua`u Pterodroma sandwichensis.  Her latest book is Finding Home, a Hawaiian Petrel’s Journey, published by the University of Hawai`i Press in September last year, an outcome of her research into the species.

Caren Loebel-Fried on Midway Atoll with her preparatory sketch of a Laysan Albatross

The publisher’s synopsis follows:

“Eleven-year-old Makani Kealoha Morton adores ‘ua‘u, Hawaiian petrels. She grew up marveling at the seabird’s magical evening sky-dance and murmurs from their underground burrows. Living over the ocean, gliding thousands of miles on the wind to wherever food was abundant, they returned yearly to their burrows in the Hawaiian Islands. Over thousands of years, their guano helped to make Hawaiʻi fertile and habitable for humans. Yet humans brought predators and environmental changes that caused ʻuaʻu numbers to plummet to near extinction.

Makani’s biologist mom and her team devise a plan to save the seabirds.  Ten ʻuaʻu chicks are raised within a protected place. The chicks leave for the sea one by one - but Makani’s favorite is very late to fledge.  Makani worries: Will this young petrel survive at sea? Will she return to the refuge to raise her own young?  Will the plan to save the ‘ua‘u work?  By the story’s end, Makani finds her own way to make a difference for the seabirds she loves so dearly.

Based on the true story of ʻuaʻu and the people working to save them, Finding Home, a Hawaiian Petrel’s Journey is filled with Caren Loebel-Fried’s colorful block prints, dynamic drawings, and maps. Following the story, a back section provides scientific facts on the habitat and lifestyle of ‘ua‘u and their connection to Hawaiian culture and history. The book’s middle-grade content includes place-based learning that incorporates natural science, wildlife conservation biology, literature, and art. Appealing to all ages, this hopeful, empowering story brings awareness to the threats humans have brought upon seabirds and inspires us to find ways we can help them survive and thrive.”

Caren learned the art of block printing from her mother.  She hand carves rubber or linoleum blocks and then transfers their images with oil-based ink to hand-made paper, she then colours the prints with pencils and black ink.  The ensuing artworks are then used to illustrate her books.  Caren aims to bring people closer to the natural world in the hope that they will want to help care for it.  Her books and art are doing just that.

Loebel Fried Uau over a Bioluminscent Sea
Caren kindly gifted me a signed copy of her artwork
’U’au Over a Bioluminescent Sea” that appears in her latest book after our day out together in my home city

The book ends with a truly comprehensive 30-page section entitled “The Story Behind the Story” that includes information on the biology, conservation and threats facing the Hawaiian Petrel, references about the bird, information on the other seabird species that breed in Hawaii, glossaries of English and Hawaiian words, and more!  Clearly a boon for older children looking for information for their school essays and reports.  My three-year-old granddaughter is a little too young to have my signed copy of Caren’s book read to her.  I shall need wait a year to do so but look forward to the task.

I had the pleasure of meeting Caren and her husband Neil when they visited Cape Town in 2022.  We spent a day together travelling to view the colony of now Critically Endangered African Penguin Spheniscus demersus at Stony Point.  There are no penguins in the Hawaiian islands for Caren to study and illustrate so might I suggest the subject for her next book be the Critically Endangered and Hawaiian endemic Newell’s Shearwater Puffinus newelli instead?


Loebel-Fried, C. 2025.  Finding Home, a Hawaiian Petrel’s Journey.  Honolulu: University of Hawai`i Press.  111 pp.  Hardback. ISBN-13: 9780824895716.  USD 19.99.

John Cooper, Emeritus Information Officer, Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels, 15 January 2025

ACAP’s infographic illustrator Namo Niumim donates an original albatross painting to raise funds for the Mouse-Free Marion Project


Namo Niumimn Grey headed Albatrosses
“Sun Setting on Marion Island”, gouache and coloured pencils, by Namo Niumim

Namasri ‘Namo’ Niumim, who resides in Bangkok, Thailand, is the illustrator for the ACAP Species Infographics series.  The series, produced in English, French and Spanish (with some also in Portuguese), is now over halfway through with 17 produced out of 31 ACAP-listed species.  The infographic for the Northern Giant Petrel Macronectes halli is nearing completion.  .ACAP Species Infographics are freely downloadable from the ACAP website at a resolution suitable for printing and framing for educational purposes or personal use.

Namo, who works in gouache, is a graduate of the School of Architecture and Design, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Communication Design.

Namo Niumim
Namasri ‘Namo’ Niumim

At the request of ACAP’s Emeritus Information Officer, Namo has produced and donated an original artwork for an auction to raise funds for the Mouse-Free Marion Project.  The project aims to eradicate the island’s introduced House Mice that have taken to attacking and killing breeding seabirds and their chicks, including the Vulnerable Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans.  The auction will take place aboard the cruise ship MSC Musica at the end of the month.  The ship will sail to the waters of the Prince Edward Islands with 1850 birdwatchers aboard on a voyage entitled Flock to Marion AGAIN! 2025.  Namo writes “My donated artwork shows a couple of Endangered Grey-headed Albatrosses Thalassarche chrysostoma sitting calmly while the sun is setting behind them.”

ENGLISH coloured wanderingbatross eng largeposter preview72ppi
The ACAP Species Infographic for the Wandering Albatross was co-published by ACAP and the Mouse-Free Marion Project

The next ACAP Species Infographic to be illustrated by Namo will be for the Southern Giant Petrel M. giganteus, completing the series for all the eight ACAP-listed species that breed on Marion Island.

 Picture1Namo produced this poster of the four albatrosses that breed on the island for the Mouse-Free Marion Project, using artwork from her ACAP infographics.  You can download your own free copy from the MFM Project website (read more about it here).

John Cooper, Emeritus Information Officer, Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels, 14 January 2025

Janice Molloy of the Southern Seabirds Trust made a member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to wildlife conservation

Janice Molloy
Janice Molloy, photograph from the
Southern Seabirds Trust

Janice Molloy of Waikanae has been made a member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to wildlife conservation in King Charles III’s 2025 New Year Honours List.  Janice is Convenor of the environmental NGO Southern Seabirds Trust.

Her citation follows:

“Ms Janice Molloy has been supporting fishers and the wider seafood industry in their journey towards seabird-safe fishing for more than 20 years.

Ms Molloy was instrumental in bringing together fishing industry leaders, environmental organisations, government agencies, scientists, and recreational fishing interests in 2002, leading to the establishment of the Southern Seabirds Trust.  She has been Convenor of the Trust since its establishment, promoting a collaborative approach to reduce the capture of New Zealand’s seabirds through fishing activities.  Under her guidance, the Trust encourages fishers to take ownership of the problem and find solutions by giving them the knowledge and the practical support they need to address seabird captures.  This has created change in fishing practices, demonstrating that conservation through cooperation can achieve results.  Ms Molloy’s contributions have had direct implications for coastal communities in New Zealand, helped the New Zealand commercial fishing industry improve its environmental performance, and assisted the wider international community in its responsibility for the sustainable management of the world’s oceans and fisheries.”

The Southern Seabirds Trust writes on its Facebook page that “it is very proud of our Convenor Janice Molloy’s appointment as a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit.  Janice has been supporting fishers and the wider seafood industry in their journey towards seabird-safe fishing for more than 20 years.”

The ACAP Secretariat congratulates Janice on this well-deserved award, which reflects her long-standing commitment to, and promotion of, seabird-safe fisheries.

In the same honours list Julian Fitter, co-author of the 2008 book ‘Albatross, Their World Their Ways’ has also been made a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to conservation (click here).

John Cooper, Emeritus Information Officer, Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels, 10 January 2025

The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

About ACAP

ACAP Secretariat

119 Macquarie St
Hobart TAS 7000

Tel: +61 3 6165 6674