Albatross artist Kitty Harvill to receive the prestigious Simon Combes Conservation Artist Award for 2022

Kitty Harvill1
Kitty Harvill holds the book she illustrated on
Wisdom, the world’s oldest known albatross

Kitty Harvill, Co-founder of Artist and Biologists Unite for Nature (ABUN) and valued ACAP supporter, is to be recognized for her contribution to art and wildlife with Artists for Conservation’s (AFC) top honour: the Simon Combes Conservation Artist Award.  The AFC bestows the award annually to individuals for exemplifying the achievements and dedication of the award's namesake.  The award was established in 2006 and has become the world's most prestigious conservation award for visual artists.  Simon Combes was a prominent member of the AFC until his tragic passing in 2004, when he was killed in an encounter with a Cape Buffalo near his home.

“Kitty is a rare kind of inspiring artist and conservationist, and an extraordinary role model of resourcefulness, creativity, persistence and passion." explains AFC President and Founder, Jeff Whiting (click here).  Kitty writes to ACAP Latest News " I will be receiving the award in person in Vancouver, Canada on the opening night of the four-day AFC Festival over 22-25 September, celebrating this year's annual international exhibition."

Lost in a Rising Sea Black footed Albatross by Kitty Harvill after a photograph by Koa Matsuoka shrunk 
“Lost in a Rising Sea” watercolour by Kitty Harvill in support of
WAD2022 and its theme of Climate Change; after a photograph by Koa Matsuoka, poster dresign by Michelle Risi

Over three years, ACAP has received more than 500 individual artworks, music videos and collage posters from ABUN in support of World Albatross Day on 19 June to use in creating awareness of the conservation crisis faced by the 31 species of albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters listed by the Agreement; many of the works painted by Kitty herself.  The works have been used to create World Albatross Day posters, in the ACAP Species Summary series, and regularly to illustrate articles posted to ACAP Latest News.  Kitty Harvill writes to ACAP’s Information Officer: “I'm so very pleased that ABUN has had the privilege of supporting the important work that ACAP is doing”.

Albatrosses collage 22 Kitty Harvill Hi res
A collage of the 22 ACAP-listed albatrosses painted by Kitty Harvill for World Albatross Day 2020 Kitty Harvill Grey Petrel chick acrylic 18x24 Ben Dilley
A Grey Petrel chick painted in acrylics by Kitty Harvill for ACAP's "Petrels in Peril" project in 2021; after a photograph taken on Marion Island by Ben Dilley 

The Albatross and Petrel Agreement looks forward to collaborating once more with Kitty and her ABUN artists early next year in support of World Albatross Day 2023.  A theme for the day, and the two species of albatrosses the artists will be asked to illustrate, are currently under consideration, with an announcement expected in a few months’ time.

Artists for Conservation is the world's leading group of artists supporting the environment.  Founded in 1997, the non-profit organization comprises a membership of 500 of the world's most gifted nature artists from 27 countries across five continents.

With thanks to Kitty Harvill.

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 12 July 2022

The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

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119 Macquarie St
Hobart TAS 7000

Tel: +61 3 6165 6674