Wisdom, 63-year-old Laysan Albatross, hatches her latest egg
Wisdom the famous 63-year-old Laysan Albatross Phoebastria immutabilis of the Midway Atoll Wildlife Refuge has successfully hatched her egg on 4 February (click here). “As the world’s oldest known bird in the wild, Wisdom is an iconic symbol of...
Wisdom, the sexaganerian Laysan Albatross and her mate are back incubating on Midway Atoll once more
Wisdom the famous Laysan Albatross Phoebastria immutabilis of Midway Atoll in the North Pacific laid her latest egg on 29 November 2013 - exactly a year and one day since she laid her egg in 2012. Wisdom is thought to be the oldest banded wild bird in...
Birds of a feather: differences in moult strategy among two Black-browed Albatross populations
the black-browed albatross Thalassarche melanophris, nesting in contrasting environments. According to conventional wisdom, it is exceptional for albatrosses (Diomedeidae) to moult while breeding. Here we show that black-browed albatrosses breeding on...
More elderly albatrosses– this time from New Zealand
individual albatrosses can live for many decades. Previous news items on this web site have highlighted two “60-plussers”, Wisdom the Laysan Albatross Phoebetria immutabilis (still with us) and the late Grandma, a Northern Royal Albatross Diomedea...
A South Atlantic Grey-headed Albatross banded by pioneer researcher Lance Tickell gets to see its second half century
It is not only Wisdom (a Laysan Albatross Phoebastria immutabilis still breeding on Midway Atoll at the estimated age of 62) and the late Grandma (a Northern Royal Albatross Diomedea sanfordi who bred for many years at Taiaroa Head in New Zealand and...
Wisdom, Midway's 62-year old Laysan Albatross, is back and breeding once more!
Wisdom, the now 62-year old Laysan Albatross Phoebastria immutabilis, is once more back on Sand Island in the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge and has laid her latest egg, now being incubated by her partner. Following a query earlier this week...
Wisdom: the Midway Albatross: a review
of sea-life and lives to be at least 60 years old, which means she is the oldest living bird we know of. She gets a name, Wisdom. But then a tsunami washes over Midway Island and the scientists don't know if she has survived or not. 110 000 chicks and...
UPDATED: Hope (and Wonder)! A second Short-tailed Albatross chick for Midway Atoll
Midway in due time - as of course is hoped. Meanwhile the world's oldest known Laysan Albatross P. immutabilis, known as "Wisdom" and who is currently breeding once more on Midway's Sand Island, may, if it breeds successfully as it did last year (click...
The Volvo Ocean Race and Wisdom the 61-year old Laysan Albatross get together to publicise pollution at sea
swirling in our oceans and threatening sea-life across the globe". To support the campaign the Volvo Ocean Race has adopted Wisdom A. Laysan Albatross, the now-famous 61-year-old Laysan Albatross Phoebastria immutabilis currently breeding on the USA's...
Artists for Conservation: Wisdom the 61-year-old Laysan Albatross gets her portrait painted for a forthcoming children's book
Phoebastria immutabilis to illustrate a children's book to be published next February. The 32-page book, entitled Wisdom, the Midway Albatross: Surviving the Japanese Tsunami and Other Disasters for Over 60 Years, has been written by noted children's...