To celebrate World Albatross Day, we [Albatross Task Force] were joined by albatross conservation experts from RSPB, BirdLife International, British Antarctic Survey and the fishing industry in a Live Q&A Video Session.

Many of you joined us to ask some amazing questions about what it's like working with albatross and the importance of the work being done. In the days running up to World Albatross Day 2020, each speaker gave a unique talk on their work and experience and what can be done to stop albatross decline - you can see these videos in our "World Albatross Day 2020" playlist [and available on this website]. If you haven't already, check us out using @AlbyTaskForce on Facebook and Twitter, or search @Albatross_Stories on Instagram and use #AlbatrossStories, to find out more.

You can use the links below to find specific questions throughout the video:

08:22 - How can we improve albatross PR and get people to support them in the same way they do like garden birds?
11:25 - What do albatrosses eat?
13:05 - Can the poison used to eradicate invasive species impact other non-target species?
15:57 - What UK territories support albatross?
17:40 - What stage in the life-cycle does adult mortality have the biggest impact on breeding success?
19:50 - What is your favourite albatross species?
22:28 - What's it like to be up close to an albatross?
23:46 - Are Tristan Albatrosses the only Critically Endangered species the UK is responsible for?
26:55 - What albatross species is at most risk of extinction?
28:51 - What are the gaps in our knowledge, particularly in the distribution of species?
32:13 - What is the biggest hurdle the Namibian ATF team has had to overcome with their work on fisheries and bycatch?
34:22 - What is the missing messaging for fisheries in order for them to start uptaking bycatch mitigation measures?
35:57 - Is there an evolutionary reason why albatrosses are so big?
38:17 - During eradication programmes, do you do it during the non-nesting periods?
41:22 - What happens to seabird species that the ATF doesn’t directly work with, how are those birds protected?
43:55 - What actually happens when an albatross encounters a fishing vessel leading to incidental mortality?
46:54 - Can albatrosses swim underwater?
48:58 - Disease is a threat to 28% of albatross species, is this something to worry about and is it increasing?
51:57 - Is the impact from rodent bait being passed through the food chain?
54:02 - How does working with tuna purchasing companies help mitigate seabird bycatch?
56:23 - How do we know the fish we buy isn’t killing albatrosses? Is pole and line caught tuna the tuna we should be eating?
57:47 - What is it like being on a fishing vessel, training fishers to help save albatrosses?

With thanks to Nina da Rocha, Albatross Task Force Project Officer, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

Posted 24 June 2020




The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

About ACAP

ACAP Secretariat

119 Macquarie St
Hobart TAS 7000

Tel: +61 3 6165 6674