Research on the little-known Black Petrel of New Zealand

A list of reports and publications on the Black Petrel Procellaria parkinsoni, an ACAP-listed species endemic as a breeding bird to New Zealand, may be found at, covering research conducted by Wildlife Management International over the last decade or so.

"A long-term research project on black petrel has been conducted annually since 1995 for the Conservation Services Programme (Department of Conservation).  This work is directly related to identifying risks to the population, including interaction with fisheries and invasive species impact and monitoring the population.  Nearly 400 burrows are monitored annually to assess population trends, with research focusing on bird capture, identification of adults, banding, measuring, sex determination, GPS and geo-locator logger deployment, population modelling and data analysis undertaken."

Many of the listed reports on Black Petrels made by WMIL to the New Zealand Department of Conservation may be found online in DOC's peer-reviewed Research and Development Series and (the now discontinued) Science Internal Series.

Wildlife Management International Limited is a New Zealand-based ecological consultancy established in 1987.

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 9 May 2011

The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

About ACAP

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119 Macquarie St
Hobart TAS 7000

Tel: +61 3 6165 6674