2023 Small Grants


Funded Proposals Project Leader
ACAP Small Grant 2023-01 Skyward heat: thermal signatures revealing population size and productivity in albatross and giant petrel colonies. Martin Brogger, Instituto de Biología de Organismos Marinos (IBIOMAR-CONICET), Argentina
Effectiveness of acoustic monitoring for estimating population trends and recolonisation of burrow-nesting petrels  Richard Phillips, British Antarctic Survey, United Kingdom
Potential risks to ACAP species from unregulated fisheries in the southwest Atlantic Ocean Ana Carneiro, BirdLife International, United Kingdom
Disease Risk Analysis of High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza for ACAP Species  Patricia Pereira Serafini, Federal University of Santa Catarina and National Centre for Wild Birds Conservation and Research – CEMAVE/ICMBio/MMA, Brazil
Multi-sensor assessment of fine-scale fisheries overlap and bycatch risk of Southern Buller’s Albatross across life history stages  Jonathan Rutter, University of Oxford Department of Biology, United Kingdom 
Trialling seabird bycatch mitigation measures for Brazilian demersal longline fisheries  Gabriel Canani Sampaio, LAATM-FURG / Projeto Albatroz, Brazil
Enabling mitigation measures in the southern Peruvian artisanal longline fleet targeting sharks to reduce the bycatch of albatrosses and petrels Javier Quiñones, Oficina de Investigaciones en Depredadores Superiores del Instituto del Mar del Perú, Peru
Manufacture of a new concept pelagic longline heavy hook to improve line weighting acceptance and seabird bycatch mitigation performance Nigel Brothers, Unaffiliated, Australia

The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

About ACAP

ACAP Secretariat

119 Macquarie St
Hobart TAS 7000

Email: secretariat@acap.aq
Tel: +61 3 6165 6674