Peru produces a guide in Spanish on safe handling of seabirds and other fauna caught by purse seine fisheries

 Waved Albatross
Waved Albatross at sea, a species that occurs in Peruvian waters

Joanna Alfaro of the Peruvian NGO ProDelphinus writes to ACAP Latest News:  “It is my pleasure to share with you a guide on safe handling and release of Endangered, Threatened and Protected (ETP) species for purse seine fisheries; our small contribution for marine conservation and sustainable fisheries.  It was a pleasure to work on this document with the team in ProDelphinus and several fishers who shared their traditional knowledge for this guide.  The guide has already been launched at a meeting with over 300 purse seine fishers, and we hope to continue sharing it with more fishers.”

Mi post es para compartirles un documento que ame pues es un granito de arena a la conservacion marina y las pesquerias sostenibles, pero tb por que estuvimos en esto junto con un equipo maravilloso en Pro Delphinus. Calientita les dejo la Guia de Liberacion y Manipulacion de Fauna Marina en cerco pesquero. Se agradece de antemano las descargas y compartidas.

La guia le presentamos ante 300 pescadores industriales de cerco, esperamos poder seguir presentandola.

With thanks to Joanna Alfaro Shigueto. ProDelphinus, Peru.

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 04 May 2022

The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

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