Carpeta SBWG9 Information Papers

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pdf SBWG9 Inf 01: Report of the Workshop to Review Seabird Bycatch Mitigation Measures for Hawaii’s Pelagic Longline

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SBWG9_Inf_01 Hawaii-bycatch-workshop.pdf

Agenda Item 22.2.  Gilman, E., Ishizaki, A., Eds.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 02: Methods to increase the functionalities and accuracy of fisheries electronic monitoring systems SUMMARY

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SBWG9_Inf_02 E-monitoring_emerging_tech_GILMAN et al_ABSTRACT.pdf

Agenda Item 15. Gilman et al.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 03: Robbing Peter to pay Paul: Replacing unintended cross-taxa conflicts with intentional tradeoffs

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SBWG9_Inf_03 Bycatch-conflicts_GILMAN et al.pdf

Agenda Item 4.  Gilman, E. et al.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 04: Seabird Smart Assurance Scheme

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SBWG9_Inf_04 Seabird Smart Assurance Scheme_SSST.pdf

Agenda Item 12.  Janice Molloy.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 05: Additive effects of climate and fisheries drive catastrophic declines in multiple albatross species SUMMARY

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SBWG9_Inf_05 Climate fisheries declines albatross spp PARDO et al ABSTRACT.pdf

Agenda Item 16.1 & 20.  Pardo D. et al.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 06: Illuminating gillnets to save seabirds and the potential for multi-taxa bycatch mitigation

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SBWG9_Inf_06 Illuminating gillnets MANGEL et al.pdf

Agenda Item 8 & 10.  J.C. Mangel et al.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 07: Remote electronic monitoring as a potential alternative to on-board observers in small-scale fisheries

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SBWG9_Inf_07 E-monitoring small-scale fisheries_ BARTHOLOMEW et al.pdf

Agenda Item 15.  D.C. Bartholomew et al.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 08: Assessment of the risk of trawl and longline fisheries to ACAP-listed seabirds in Chile

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SBWG9_Inf_08 Chile risk assessment trawl & LL_1.pdf

Agenda Item 16.1 & 21.  Yvan Richard, Luis Adasme.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 09: Long-term changes in Black-browed albatrosses diet as a result of fisheries expansion: an isotopic approach SUMMARY

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Agenda Item 16.1.  Mariano-Jelicich, Rocío et al.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 10: Efectos de la actividad pesquera en el comportamiento de alimentación del Albatros de Ceja Negra SUMMARY

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SBWG9_Inf_10 Effect of fisheries on habitat selection PAZ et al_ABSTRACT.pdf

Agenda Item 16.1.  Paz, Jesica Andrea et al. Effect of fisheries activity on the foraging behaviour of the Black-browed albatross (Thalassarche melanophris) during the non-breeding period in the Argentinean Continental Shelf.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 11: Certification schemes in Argentine fisheries: Opportunities and challenges for seabird conservation SUMMARY

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SBWG9_Inf_11 Certified fisheries-seabirds_SECO PON et al_ABSTRACT.pdf

Agenda Item 12.  Seco Pon, Juan Pablo et al.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 12: Reviewing the nature and level of interactions between seabirds and jigging vessels

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SBWG9_Inf_12 Interactions seabirds jigging vessels KUEPFER.pdf

Agenda Item 17.1.  Amanda Kuepfer.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 13: Falkland Islands National Plan of Action for Reducing Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Trawl Fisheries 2019

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SBWG9_Inf_13 FI-NPOA-S-T-2019_KUEPFER et al.pdf

Agenda Item 18.1.  Amanda Kuepfer et al.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 14: Safe handling practices to increase post-capture survival of cetaceans, sea turtles, seabirds, sharks, and billfish

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SBWG9_Inf_14 Safe handling practices tuna fisheries_ZOLLETT.pdf

Agenda Item 22.1.  Erika A. Zollett,Yonat Swimmer.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 15: Industry-based development of effective new seabird mitigation devices in the southern Australian trawl SUMMARY

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SBWG9_Inf_15 New mitigation Australian trawl_KOOPMAN et al_ABSTRACT.pdf

Agenda Item 5.1.  Matt Koopman et al.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 16: Threat Abatement Plan for the incidental catch (or bycatch) of seabirds during oceanic longline fishing

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SBWG9_Inf_16 Australia TAP.pdf

Agenda Item 7.1.  Department of the Environment and Energy.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 17: Setting baited hooks by stealth (underwater) can prevent incidental mortality SUMMARY

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SBWG9_Inf_17 Setting hooks by stealth_ROBERSTON et al_ABSTRACT.pdf

Agenda Item 7.1.  Graham Robertson et al.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 18: Bill mutilations in albatrosses and petrels: a call for best practices mitigating sub-lethal effects SUMMARY

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SBWG9_Inf_18 Bill mutilations albatrosses petrels_GIANUCA et al_ABSTRACT.pdf

Agenda Item 17.1.  Dimas Gianuca et al.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 19: Seabird bycatch mitigation observations on the high seas SUMMARY

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SBWG9_Inf_19 Bird Mitigation obs on High Seas_NZ_ABSTRACT.pdf

Agenda Item 12.  New Zealand.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 20: Summary Report of the U.S. West Coast and Alaska Trawl Fisheries Seabird Cable Strike Workshop

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SBWG9_Inf_20 Trawl Workshop_JANNOT et al.pdf

Agenda Item 5 & 12.  Jason E. Jannot et al.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 21: Improving seabird species identification in electronic monitoring applications using machine learning

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SBWG9_Inf_21 EM Machine learing_FITZGERALD et al.pdf

Agenda Item 15.  Shannon Fitzgerald et al.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 22: Updated seabird bycatch estimates for the Namibian demersal Hake longline and trawl SUMMARY

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SBWG9_Inf_22 Namibia bycatch reductions DA ROCHA et al_ABSTRACT.pdf

Agenda Item 16.1.  Nina da Rocha et al.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 23: Seabird bycatch in dolphinfish longline and tuna handline fisheries off south-southeasten Brazil SUMMARY

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SBWG9_Inf_23 Bycath_dolphinfish longline_handlines_GIANUCA et al_ABSTRACT.pdf

Agenda Item 16.1.  Dimas Gianuca et al.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 24: Seabird bycatch in bottom and midwater trawlers in Argentina SUMMARY

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SBWG9_Inf_24 Bycatch trawlers ArgentinaTAMINI et al_ABSTRACT.pdf

Agenda Item 16.1.  Leandro L. Tamini et al.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 25: National Plan of Action for Minimising Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Australian Capture Fisheries

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SBWG9_Inf_25 Australia NPOA.pdf

Agenda Item 18.1.  Department of Agriculture and Water Resources.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 26 Rev 1: Observer coverage for monitoring bycatch of seabirds and other ETP species in pelagic longline

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SBWG9_Inf_26 Rev 1 Observer coverage pelagic LL_PIERRE.pdf

Agenda Item 13.1.  Johanna P. Pierre.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 27: Seabird Bycatch Identification Guide – an update

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SBWG9_Inf_27 Bycatch ID Guide update.pdf

Agenda Item 22.1.  Cristián G. Suazo.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 28: A review of the efficacy of the MSC certification scheme in tackling the bycatch of non-target species

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SBWG9_Inf_28 MSC Bycatch Review CRESPO & CRAWFORD.pdf

Agenda Item 12.  Jose Peiro Crespo and Rory Crawford.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 29: High contrast panels and lights do not reduce bird bycatch in Baltic Sea gillnet fisheries SUMMARY

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SBWG9_Inf_29 Gillnet mitigation Baltic_FIELD et al_ABSTRACT.pdf

Agenda Item 8.1.  Rob Field et al.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 30: Captura incidental de aves marinas en pesquerías de cerco de la zona centro sur de Chile

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SBWG9_Inf_30 Pesquerías de cerco Chile VEGA et al.pdf

Agenda Item 16.1.  Rodrigo Vega et al.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 31: Seabird bycatch in Uruguayan longline fisheries SUMMARY

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SBWG9_Inf_31 Seabird bycatch in Uruguayan LL_JIMENEZ et al_ABSTRACT.pdf

Agenda Item 6.3 & 16.1.  Sebastián Jiménez et al.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 32: Gear configuration and use of floats in the South African Demersal Hake LL

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SBWG9_Inf_32 South Africa Demersal LL Gear_NYENGERA.pdf

Agenda Item 6.1.  Reason Nyengera and Andrea Angel.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 33: Collaboration with commercial longliners in the Japanese coast for exploring effective design of tori-pole

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SBWG9_Inf_33 Tori-pole design KATSUMATA.pdf

Agenda Item 7.1  Nobuhiro KATSUMATA, Hiroshi MINAMI.

pdf SBWG9 Inf 34: Information on bait casting position against tori-line

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SBWG9_Inf_34 Bait casting vs tori-line TSUJI.pdf

Agenda Item 7.1.  Sachiko TSUJI.

The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

About ACAP

ACAP Secretariat

119 Macquarie St
Hobart TAS 7000

Tel: +61 3 6165 6674