PaCSWG5 Meeting Documents

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pdf PaCSWG5 Doc 01 Rev 1: Draft Meeting Agenda

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PaCSWG5_Doc_01 Rev 1 Draft Agenda.pdf

Agenda Item 3.  PaCSWG Convenors and Vice-convenors.

pdf PaCSWG5 Doc 02 Rev 3: List of Documents

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PaCSWG5_Doc_02 Rev 3 List of Documents.pdf

Agenda Item 3.  PaCSWG Convenors and Vice-convenors.

pdf PaCSWG5 Doc 03: IUCN Red List status of ACAP-listed species

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PaCSWG5_Doc_03 IUCN criteria review E_s_f.pdf

Agenda Item 5.2.  G. Barry Baker et al.

pdf PaCSWG5 Doc 04: Short-tailed Albatross Population Assessment for the Senkaku Islands SUMMARY

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PaCSWG5_Doc_04 Short-tailed_Albatross_SURYAN et al_E_s_f_ABSTRACT.pdf

Agenda Item 7.1.  Robert M. Suryan et al.

pdf PaCSWG5 Doc 05: Sampling guidelines to assess plastic ingestion in ACAP species SUMMARY

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PaCSWG5_Doc_05 Sampling plastics UHART et al_E_s_f_ABSTRACT.pdf

Agenda Item 9.3.  Marcela Uhart et al. Full guidelines will be publically available soon. Please contact the Secretariat for more information.


pdf PaCSWG5 Doc 06: ACAP Priority Populations - reporting template

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PaCSWG5_Doc_06 Reporting on Priority Populations_E_s_f.pdf

Agenda Item 7.1.  Secretariat.

pdf PaCSWG5 Doc 08: Observaciones sobre los efectos de exploración sísmica 3D en aves marinas SUMMARY

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PaCSWG5_Doc_08 Seismic exploration seabirds_SECO PON et al_ABSTRACT.pdf

Agenda Item 6.3.  Seco Pon, Juan Pablo et al.

The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

About ACAP

ACAP Secretariat

119 Macquarie St
Hobart TAS 7000

Tel: +61 3 6165 6674