PaCSWG4 Information Papers

pdf PaCSWG4 Inf 01: Rabbit haemorrhagic disease: Macquarie Island rabbit eradication adds to knowledge. SUMMARY ONLY

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PaCSWG4_Inf_01 RHDV_ MQI Rabbit Eradication_COOKE et al ABSTRACT.pdf

Agenda Item 6.1.  Brian Cooke et al.

pdf PaCSWG4 Inf 02: Non-Target Species Management for the Macquarie Island Pest Eradication Project. SUMMARY ONLY

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Agenda Item 6.1.  Keith Springer and Noel Carmichael.

pdf PaCSWG4 Inf 03: Developing a climate adaption strategy for vulnerable seabirds based on prioritisation of intervention. SUMMARY ONLY

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PaCSWG4_Inf_03 Climate adaption strategy ALDERMAN & HOBDAY_ ABSTRACT.pdf

Agenda Item 6.3.  Rachael A Alderman, Alistair J Hobday.

pdf PaCSWG4 Inf 04: Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for Species

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PaCSWG4_Inf_04 Climate change vulnerability assessment ADVANI & BARRINGTON.pdf

Agenda Item 6.3.  Nikhil K Advani and Jonathon HS Barrington.  Please view file in browser set to use Adobe Reader plug-in to view PDFs (not Chrome), or save and open with Adobe Reader to see attachement panel.

pdf PaCSWG4 Inf 05: Effects of climate change and fisheries bycatch on Shy Albatross (Thalassarche cauta) in southern Australia. SUMMARY ONLY

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PaCSWG4_Inf_05 Climate change bycatch Shy Albatross THOMSON et al ABSTRACT.pdf

Agenda Item 6.3.  Robin B Thomson et al.

pdf PaCSWG4 Inf 06: Identification of animal movement patterns using tri-axial magnetometry

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PaCSWG4_Inf_06 Tri-axial magentometry WILLIAMS et al.pdf

Agenda Item 13.3.   Hannah J. Williams et al.  Please view file in browser set to use Adobe Reader plug-in to view PDFs (not Chrome), or save and open with Adobe Reader to see attachement panel.

pdf PaCSWG4 Inf 07: Identification of animal movement patterns using tri-axial accelerometry

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PaCSWG4_Inf_07 Tri-axial accelerometry SHEPARD et al.pdf

Agenda Item 13.3. Emily L. C. Shepard et al.  Please view file in browser set to use Adobe Reader plug-in to view PDFs (not Chrome), or save and open with Adobe Reader to see attachement panel.

pdf PaCSWG4 Inf 08: Derivation of body motion via appropriate smoothing of acceleration data

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PaCSWG4_Inf_08 Smoothing of accelaration data SHEPARD et al.pdf

Agenda Item 13.3. Emily L. C. Shepard et al.  Please view file in browser set to use Adobe Reader plug-in to view PDFs (not Chrome), or save and open with Adobe Reader to see attachement panel.

pdf PaCSWG4 Inf 09: A spherical-plot solution to linking acceleration metrics with animal performance, state, behaviour and lifestyle

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PaCSWG4_Inf_09 Spherical plot solution WILSON et al.pdf

Agenda Item 13.3.  Rory P. Wilson et al.  Please view file in browser set to use Adobe Reader plug-in to view PDFs (not Chrome), or save and open with Adobe Reader to see attachement panel.

pdf PaCSWG4 Inf 10: Optimised scat collection protocols for dietary DNA metabarcoding in vertebrates. SUMMARY ONLY

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PaCSWG4_Inf_10 Scat collection protocols MCINNES et al ABSTRACT.pdf

Agenda Item 13.4.  Julie C McInnes et al.

pdf PaCSWG4 Inf 11: DNA metabarcoding as a marine conservation and management tool: examination of fishery discards. SUMMARY ONLY

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PaCSWG4_Inf_11 DNA metabarcoding MCINNES et al ABSTRACT.pdf

Agenda Items 6.2, 13.4.  Julie C McInnes et al.

pdf PaCSWG4 Inf 12: High occurrence of jellyfish predation by black-browed and Campbell albatross identified by DNA metabarcoding. SUMMARY ONLY

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PaCSWG4_Inf_12 High occurence of jellyfish predation MCINNES et al_ABSTRACT.pdf

Agenda Item 13.4.  Julie C McInnes et al.

pdf PaCSWG4 Inf 13: A review of methods used to analyse albatross diets - assessing priorities across their range. SUMMARY ONLY

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PaCSWG4_Inf_13 Methods to analyse diets MCINNES et al ABSTRACT.pdf

Agenda Item 13.4.   Julie C McInnes et al.

pdf PaCSWG4 Inf 14: Using super-high resolution satellite imagery to census threatened albatrosses. SUMMARY ONLY

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PaCSWG4_Inf_14 Worldview-3_great albatrosses FRETWELL et al ABSTRACT.pdf

Agenda Item 13.1.  Peter T. Fretwell et al.

pdf PaCSWG4 Inf 15: Using the unique spectral signature of guano to identify unknown seabird colonies

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PaCSWG4_Inf_15 Landsat_seabird census FRETWELL et al.pdf

Agenda Item 13.1.  P.T.Fretwell et al.  Please view file in browser set to use Adobe Reader plug-in to view PDFs (not Chrome), or save and open with Adobe Reader to see attachement panel.

pdf PaCSWG4 Inf 16: Estimating the total population size of black petrel

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PaCSWG4_Inf_16 Black petrel population estimates BELL.pdf

Agenda Item 5.1.  Elizabeth Bell.

pdf PaCSWG4 Inf 17: Northern giant petrel population estimates and trends in New Zealand

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PaCSWG4_Inf_17 NGP population estimates PARKER & BELL.pdf

Agenda Item 5.1.  Graham Parker and Mike Bell.

pdf PaCSWG4 Inf 18: Population trend and survival of Southern Buller’s Albatross on The Snares

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PaCSWG4_Inf_18 Southern Buller's albatross update SAGAR et al.pdf

Agenda Item 5.1.  Paul Sagar et al.

pdf PaCSWG4 Inf 19: Threats and threat status of the Westland Petrel

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PaCSWG4_Inf_19 Threats to Westland Petrel WAUGH & WILSON.pdf

Agenda Item 6.1.  Waugh, S.M & Wilson, K-J.

pdf PaCSWG4 Inf 20: Trial of three methods to obtain population estimates of light-mantled sooty albatross Phoebetria palpebrata

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PaCSWG4_Inf_20 LMSA estimates methods PARKER et al.pdf

Agenda Item 13.  Parker, G. et al.

The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

About ACAP

ACAP Secretariat

119 Macquarie St
Hobart TAS 7000

Tel: +61 3 6165 6674