Award-winning author Carl Safina to lecture on albatrosses in Hawaii this month

Carl Safina, celebrated award-winning author of “Song for the Blue Ocean” (1997), “Eye of the Albatross” (2002) and “The View from Lazy Point” (2011) will give a seminar entitled Eye of the Albatross at the University Hawai'i at Manoa on Oahu, Hawaii on 17 January (click here).

Carl is President of the Blue Ocean Institute which he founded in 2003.

From the lecture’s flyer:

“These immense creatures we call “albatross” are the greatest long-distance wanderers on Earth.  Dr. Carl Safina, President of the Blue Ocean Institute, followed albatrosses to the far corners of the world, including Midway Atoll, in the course of researching his book, Eye of the Albatross.  He shares what their survival teaches us about persistence, hope, and how the oceans are changing.”

Selected References:

Safina, C. 1997.  Song for the Blue Ocean.  Encounters along the World’s Coasts and Beneath the Seas.  New York: Henry Holt.  458 pp.

Safina, C. 2002.  Eye of the Albatross.  Visions of Hope and Survival.  New York: Henry Holt.  377 pp.

Safina, C. 2011.  The View from Lazy Point; a Natural Year in an Unnatural World.  New York: Henry Holt.

John Cooper, ACAP Information Officer, 05 January 2013

The Agreement on the
Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

ACAP is a multilateral agreement which seeks to conserve listed albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters by coordinating international activity to mitigate known threats to their populations.

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